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Supporting the community

Drop-In Advice Services

Access free advice from our drop-in advice clinics, providing support with energy saving, lowering your bills, home insulation & heating grants, debt and benefits advice, accessing food bank support, and referrals for other support services.

ECOE offering energy saving advice, support with lowering your bills and referrals for help with benefits and debt

Run by ECOE (Exeter Community Energy), our drop-in clinic takes place on the 3rd Friday of every month from 10:00am to 12:00pm, conveniently coinciding with our bustling Friday Café.
Our advisors can provide personalised advice on energy savings, lowering your bills, tariff checks and supplier switching, accessing discounts, grants for home insulation and heating, debt advice, benefits advice and more—all free of charge.

Helpful Practical Advice

Our knowledgeable advisors are here to assist you with a range of topics, from practical energy and water saving tips to applying for government schemes like the Warm Home Discount.

Learn about free energy-saving measures, explore heating control options, and receive assistance with tariff checks and supplier switching to maximise your savings.

Additionally, our team can provide referrals for benefits and debt support, help you access grants for insulation and heating, and guide you through signing up for priority services to ensure you receive the assistance you need.

Whether you’re looking to lower your bills, navigate energy debt, or simply optimise your home’s energy efficiency, our drop-in advice services offer a wealth of support tailored to your needs. Visit us at The Beacon Community Centre to connect with our friendly advisors and take the first step toward a brighter, more sustainable future.