Room Hire Terms and Conditions
Thank you for hiring the Beacon Community Centre. Here you will find details for payment and the Terms and Conditions of Hire.
Hires may only be between 08.00 and 22.00. The Beacon must be vacated, locked and alarmed by 22.00 at the latest.
Please be aware that a booking can be instantly reserved through the website calendar but may take up to 14 days to arrange. Each booking will require liaison with the Beacon office and the hirer, issue of the Invoice and the hirer may need to attend a Security Briefing. Payment is required to secure the booking.
Only those persons of 25 years of age and older are eligible to be the hirer of the premises.
The Hirer is the person responsible for opening and locking of the premises and must be present at and supervise the use of the property during the whole period of the hire, unless otherwise agreed.
The Hirer shall not sub-let the premises.
The Hirer shall not use the premises for any unlawful purpose, or bring onto the premises anything which may endanger the premises or those persons using them, or bring the name of the Beacon Community Centre or Isca Community Enterprises into disrepute.
Groups meeting at the Beacon Centre are responsible for their own activities and must have their own safeguarding policies, activity insurance and be responsible for their own First Aid provision.
All members must sign into the Beacon on attendance.
Group booking that include time after 6pm, can only be accepted when a group name is provided.
Groups can nominate a maximum of 3 named responsible people within the group who can hire on behalf of the group. They all must attend a Security Briefing and one of those must always be on site during the hire time.
Payment must be in advance and BEFORE the security briefing for a first hire. Bookings and payment must be made at least 7 days before the event (this is to allow time for payment to reach account).
Where there is disrespect for other hirers, or breaches of the Beacon’s Terms and Conditions, all future hires will be cancelled and the named hirer and all of those in the group will be banned from using the Beacon Centre.
The Hirer is duly notified that CCTV has been installed on the external areas of the property for the purposes of the security and management of the Beacon Centre and may be used to ensure that the requirements of the hire have been complied with, particularly in respect of the security and safety of the centre. Details of the CCTV and Data Protection policy are available on request from the Centre.
The total number of persons occupying the premises must not exceed that designated.
We prefer payment to be made by BACS bank transfer Where this is not possible you can pay by cheque or cash. (Please do NOT use Pay Pal to pay invoices).
Please always use the correct Invoice Number as a reference.
- Bank: Cooperative Bank
- Account Name: Isca Community Enterprises
- Sort Code: 08-92-99
- Account Number: 65758261
Please advise us when the transaction has been completed.
Please make payable to ‘Isca Community Enterprises’.
This can be taken to the centre in an envelope marked with your name, hire date and room and handed to a member of staff. The centre is usually open 10.00 – 2pm Monday to Friday.
Single events.
Invoices will be sent out at the time the booking is accepted by the Beacon. Payment is required within 7 days of receipt of the Invoice, unless otherwise agreed.
Series bookings
Where a series of six bookings is made, for the same room, day of the week, the booking may be eligible for a reduction of 10%, provided all six are paid at once. However, if any of those bookings is changed, or payment is made in instalments, the series will be charged at single event rates
On-going Regular Series Bookings
Invoices will be sent out for the first month of the series at the time of the booking and then monthly in advance. For once-a-month hires, Invoices can be sent quarterly, if preferred.
Isca Community Enterprises reserves the right to modify the rates of hire, with notice of 4 weeks given to the hirer. We expect to annually review and renew long term bookings.
The Community Centre is covered by Public Liability Insurance for general hall use. Hirers running specific activities must have their own personal insurance for that activity.
BOUNCY CASTLES are not included in the Centre’s insurance. Please make sure that you check the height of the castle allowed in each hall and that you have appropriate insurance for the use of a Bouncy Castle.
The hired premises is covered for performance and music playing Performing Right Society Hirers are responsible for their own copyright costs. The Beacon does not have licence to show films.
The hired premises are covered by a TV licence. Hirers may listen to, or view TV broadcasts covered by this licence when at the Beacon Community Centre.
The hired premises shall not be used for the sale of intoxicating liquor or its supply to minors.
The hired premises shall not be used for any lottery or other similar function (betting, gaming or gambling) without the written consent of the Trustees, and such consent shall be subject to the Hirer first obtaining the necessary licence or permission required under current legislation (Licensing Act 2003) and producing this for the Manager or Trustees.
A Security Deposit may be required for some bookings. The level of this deposit is determined by the nature of the hire and is set by the Trustees.
The hirer shall indemnify the Trustees for the cost of for any loss, damage or repairs needed for any part of the contents, premises, grounds, perimeter and fencing thereof, arising as a direct result of the hire.
The hirer will be responsible for reimbursement of the Beacon Community Centre where emergency response is required due to misuse of the alarms, when the premises are left unlocked or when extra cleaning is required as a result of the hire. If the alarms are set off, hirers must call the Beacon Emergency phone as soon as possible to avoid Security Firm call out charges.
Cancellations must be in writing, preferably by email and can only be accepted more than 14 days prior to the event.
The Hirer will be liable for the total Hire Charge, should they cancel less than 14 days prior to the date of the booking.
14 days or more | Accepted – no fee charged |
13 days or fewer | Not accepted – full fee charged |
The Beacon (Isca Community Enterprises) reserves the right to cancel or amend any Hire Agreement with immediate effect in unavoidable circumstances. Any monies paid for the hire will be refunded in these circumstances, but Isca Community Centre will not be liable for any expenses incurred by the hirer.
Where a booking needs to be amended or cancelled for a planned event (e.g. local elections) notice of 4 weeks will be given.
If there is a breach of the conditions or hire agreement with regard to rooms, times and equipment by the hirer, or the centre has been left dirty, damaged or unsafe, unlocked or not alarmed, or payment has not been received by the date of hire, we reserve the right to cancel a booking or future bookings with immediate effect without accepting any liability for losses by the hirer.
The Beacon centre has undergone regular health and safety assessments. However, it is the responsibility of the hirer to comply with any health and safety notices in the Centre and to undertake their own Health and Safety assessment for the activities that they wish to be undertaken at the Beacon.
The Hirer is responsible to immediately report any circumstances that develop during the period of hire that could cause a potential risk to the Health and Safety of all persons on the premises.
Smoking and vaping are not permitted on any part of the Beacon premises, surrounding grounds, paths, or steps.
It is the Hirers responsibility to comply with Food Hygiene Regulations at all times.
The Hirer must only use the areas of the building for the times requested, agreed and for which payment has been made. The hirer is not entitled to enter or use any other part of the building or cupboards unless authorised to do so and shall be subject to incurring a charge or fine for any part that has found to be used, for the whole period of the hire.
The Hirer will be responsible for the Premises, Fabric, Contents during the hire period and the Compliance of any Licensing Requirements that their function falls under.
The Hirer will be responsible for the behaviour and actions of all persons using the premises, whatever their capacity, including proper supervision of car-parking arrangements so as to avoid obstruction of the entrance, parking area, paths, dimpled paving slabs and Crossing.
No additional fixtures and fittings, electrical or other, should be used or applied to the structure of the premises including the grounds and perimeter fencing without the prior consent of the Manager, and must comply with all relevant regulations.
Bouncy Castles and any other temporary installations must not exceed the recommended height for the room hired.
Electrical appliances must be safe and the total aggregated load from such appliances brought into the property shall not exceed 3kW (13A), without the written approval of the Manager. The hirer must ensure the safe use of any extension leads, both electrically and as a trip hazard.
Storage is limited at the Beacon. Hirers must not leave anything in rooms or cupboards at the end of the hire, unless this has been agreed in writing/by email with the manager. Where permission is given, items must be in lidded, labelled boxes. There may be a charge for this storage. Any items left without permission may be removed and disposed of without warning.
At any time during the hire, an employee of the Beacon Community Centre, Local Government, Police or Fire Officer, or any other agent of the Trustees will have rights of access to the premises.
The Beacon Community Centre is within a residential neighbourhood and hirers must ensure that they conduct their functions in a manner that will not cause nuisance or offence to the neighbourhood, or other hirers within the premises, and that patrons leave the hall in a quiet and orderly manner. The premises must be vacated, locked and alarmed by 11pm at the latest.
The premises and gates must be left locked and secured as per the Security Briefing.
The premises shall not be used for any activity that directly contravenes the terms of the tenancy with Devon County Council. This includes ensuring that there is no discrimination because of age, disability, gender identity, pregnancy/maternity, race/ethnicity, religion/belief or sexual orientation etc.
No animals to be brought into the premises other than Service Dogs, without permission of the centre manager.
At the end of the hiring, the Hirer shall be responsible for leaving the premises, contents and surrounds in a clean and tidy condition including the removal of all waste rubbish, recycling and unsold goods resulting from the hiring. The premises must be returned to the condition as at the commencement of hire, clean, tidy, locked and with the alarm set, otherwise the Hirer will be liable for fines or additional charges.